
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pupils' Response 16-Kindness

Introduction To The Singapore Kindness Movement
The Singapore Kindness Movement has designated April as the month of kindness.We are coming to the end of April. In 1996's New Year message, Prime Minister Gok Chok Tok highlighted the need of Singapore to become a gracious society by the 21st century. The Singapore Kindness Movement (SKM) encourages Singaporeans to make a positive commitment to gracious living to simple acts of kindness. Kindness is in everyone. SKM encourages everyone to start showing kindness. We should be considerate and kind to each other. Social Behaviour followed by a strong economy and good goverment will make Singapore a good place to live in.
A Gracious Singapore, one kind act at a time.

Culture, heritage, education and civic-mindedness make up a gracious society.

One whereby people appreciate spiritual development and the arts - the finer things in life.

One whereby people know their roots and are tolerant of that of the others.

One whereby people have a strong desire for learning and reading, beyond the pursuit of academic qualifications.

One whereby people lend themselves readily to acts of kindness, volunteer work and philanthropy etc for the betterment of society.

It's the little pieces that form the big picture.

With every small act of kindness, we create a pleasant society with good social behaviour, and make life better for everyone.
So start, show and share kindness today.

Kindness, Bring it on!
Please go to for more information about the Singapore Kindness Movement.

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Giant Ant-Eater

From this picture,I know that:
  1. At November 2005,Night Safari welcomed their first baby anteater.
  2. Ant-eaters are threatened with habitat-loss and hunting.
  3. Ant-eaters live in the grasslands and forests of south and central America.
  4. Ant-eaters feed on ants and termites.
  5. Ant -eaters can consume up to 30,000 per day.
  6. Ant-eaters have a keen sense of smell to sniff out ant nests and termite mounds of savannah and open woodlands of South America.
  7. Ant-eaters are toothless but can crush ants and termites which have a hard exoskeleton.

Pupil's Response 14-Earth Day

Earth day is at the 22nd of to inspire appreciation and awareness to earth's environment.Earth Day was found by Gaylon Nelson as an environment teach-in in 1970 and is celebrated by many countries each year.It is held annually during both spring in the northern hemisphere and also in the southern hemisphere.

My CCA,green club has its green leaders to organise fun activities to help save the earth. There have been many natural disasters lately. We need to practice Reduce-Reuse-Recycle.

We should reduce the use of many things like plastic bags.

Reusing is to use an item more than once.

Recycling involves in processing used materials to make new products. Recycable materials include glass,paper metal,textiles and electronics.

Unofficial Earth Day Flag

Pupil's Response 13-International Friendship Day

International friendship day is when people from other countries or different ethic groups become friends. Our school is focused on friendship within ASEAN.We have many different kinds of skin tone or hair colours. But that doesn't mean that we cannot make friends with people from other ethic groups. Many of us are from different countries. But that doesn't make a difference within us. We can make friends with people from different countries, skin tone, hair colour or ethic group. ASEAN means association of south east Asia nations.The nations are Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand,Philipines,Brunei,Burma(Myanmar),Cambodia,Laos and Vietnam.Asean is commonly called ASA.Its aims include acceleration of economic growth and social progress.

Flag of ASEAN:

Pupil's Response 12-Improving The School

The school has many facilities that are about studies or your free time activities. But there are many special facilities in the future like air-conditioners.Mrs Nam told us about the loss of many schoolbags.We have to do our part and take care of our own bags.Like my friends at green club,they always put their bags at `Green Breeze'.This may cause the stealing like the incident about the bags stolen.And,some people may leave their bags at their classroom and go out to play.Many of us tend to lose our things accidentally.But there is a way that we can prevent the loss of things by taking care of our personal belongings.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Trip To Sungei Buloh Wetlands Reserve (1st Trip-15Apr'09)

I went to school early and sat at the Hatsuyume Square and took out my book to read.We had the flag raising session and soon,we were at the canteen having a break and waiting for the bus. Before we went up the bus, Mr Justin told us about what our behaviour should be like once we get to Sungei Buloh.

In the middle of the bus ride, everyone saw a railway. Mr Justin explained to us that the railway belonged to Malaysia.No wonder there was a traffic jam.The whole road belonged to Malaysia all because of the railway.We all got there at about 9:00a.m.We saw a bird's nest fern right at the left of our bus.

We saw the sign which read "Sungei Buloh".We had finally reached Sungei Buloh.I was surprised as we didn't need to pay any money.First,we went to the theatre.We watched about the kind of animals living in sungei buloh.Once we went out of the theatre,it was already raining.We had no choice of going inside to see the swamp animals.We went to the exhibitions and used the UMPCs to scan the barcodes there.Each barcode showed us a website that had questions we had to answer.After scanning the barcodes,we did a worksheet about all of the exhibitions.

Luckily,I saw a small malayan water monitor lizard sunbathing at the boardwalk entrance as the rain stopped and the sun came out.
It was so sad that we coudn't see other animals. Mr Justin informed us that we would go to Sungei Buloh next Monday.I can't wait for Monday to come!

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Interesting Letters

This picture shows a kids about our age writing letters to Chicky.There are 3 kids writing letters.These are the kids:
  1. Jasslyn,7 years old
  2. Bernice Lee M.H.
  3. Keith Vong,7 years old.

These are good puzzles for us to let us learn new things to enhance our knowledge or skills.

To learn more about riddles or puzzles,you can refer to the websites below.

Pupil's Response 11-Healthy Food

There are many healthy foods in this world.But there are not only healthy foods,food that we should eat in moderation.Food are usually made of carbohydrates,fats,protein and water.They can be eaten or drunk for nutrition.They may be sourced from plants,animals or other sources like fungus.An example of The fungus which is edible is the mushroom.There are many food items got from hunting and gathering.All meat,sweets,alcohol,oil,sugar and salt are unhealthy. or food that we should only eat or drink in moderation.The types of food we need to eat daily are fruits and vegetables.You should eat a serving of vegetables and a serving of fruit each day.You must eat a variety of healthy foods.Eating foods that are not cooked properly will lead to food poisoning or diarrhoea.They are caused by bacteria,toxins,viruses,parasites and prions.


Ques:Why don't meteorologists like to dine out at the moon?
Ans:The moon has no atmosphere.

Ques:What is a tornado's favourite game?

Ques:What STORM happens in your brain?
Ans:A Brainstorm

How To Prevent Hurricanes

  1. Build Large fans on the coast to blow away approaching storms.
  2. Coat the surface of the water with olive oil in order to prevent evaporation.
  3. Tow an iceberg down to the nearest sea to cool down the temperature.

Pupil's Response 10-Earth Hour

Earth Hour is a day to participate in the help of preventing Global Warming to cause any more harm to the lives of needy people.There are many needy people in the world wanting to get food,water or clean air.These are the needs of us,human beings.We just litter anywhere we go or at anytime we are at.There are many causes of Global Warming.And we only have one person to blame,us.The world is getting warmer and warmer by days and weeks.During Earth hour,we have to off all electrical appliances to save enough energy to use.People should off appliances during Earth Hour.

Together,we can help to save the world from all the chaos humans have made.

The Smart Surfers

There are many rules in the cyber world.The rules include cyberbullying and the importance of netiquette.

Lesson 1
Respect all the people chatting with you.You should not follow people's instructions in the cyber world.

Lesson 2
Do not give out any personal information about where you live or how old are you.

Lesson 3
Do not try getting into others accounts.This will give out information to others.

Lesson 4
Never go to the internet to search for information to cheat for exams.

Lesson 5
Do not download anything without any adult's permission.


