The Singapore Kindness Movement has designated April as the month of kindness.We are coming to the end of April. In 1996's New Year message, Prime Minister Gok Chok Tok highlighted the need of Singapore to become a gracious society by the 21st century. The Singapore Kindness Movement (SKM) encourages Singaporeans to make a positive commitment to gracious living to simple acts of kindness. Kindness is in everyone. SKM encourages everyone to start showing kindness. We should be considerate and kind to each other. Social Behaviour followed by a strong economy and good goverment will make Singapore a good place to live in.
A Gracious Singapore, one kind act at a time.
Culture, heritage, education and civic-mindedness make up a gracious society.
One whereby people appreciate spiritual development and the arts - the finer things in life.
One whereby people know their roots and are tolerant of that of the others.
One whereby people have a strong desire for learning and reading, beyond the pursuit of academic qualifications.
One whereby people lend themselves readily to acts of kindness, volunteer work and philanthropy etc for the betterment of society.
It's the little pieces that form the big picture.
With every small act of kindness, we create a pleasant society with good social behaviour, and make life better for everyone.
So start, show and share kindness today.
Kindness, Bring it on!
Please go to for more information about the Singapore Kindness Movement.